Supported Metrics

Tabbed Interface with Table
Oracle RAC
Oracle Node
Oracle DB Instance
Oracle Disk Group
Oracle Disk
Metric NameDisplay NameMetric CategoryUnitApplication VersionDescription
oracle_cluster_NodeStateOracle Cluster Node StateAvailability1.0.0State of all nodes of the cluster such as Active or InActive. Possible values Active(0),INACTIVE(1)
oracle_cluster_online_NodeCountOracle Cluster Online Nodes CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0Count of nodes which are in Online state
oracle_cluster_InstanceCountOracle Cluster Instances CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0Count of Total Database Instances
oracle_cluster_active_InstanceCountOracle Cluster Active Instances CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0Count of Oracle Active Database Instance
oracle_cluster_check_db_AliveOracle Cluster Check DB AliveAvailability1.0.0Aliveness status of the Oracle Database Instance
oracle_cluster_ServicesStatusOracle Cluster Services StatusAvailability1.0.0Status of the available Oracle RAC Cluster services. Possible values are ONLINE(0), OFFLINE(1), INTERMEDIATE(2), UNKNOWN(3)
oracle_cluster_sessions_UtilizationOracle Cluster Sessions UtilizationUsage%1.0.0To monitoring db sessions utilization
oracle_cluster_executions_PerTxnOracle Cluster Executions Per TransactionPerformance1.0.0The average amount of time per execution
oracle_cluster_executions_PerSecOracle Cluster Executions Per SecPerformance1.0.0The average transactions per second
oracle_cluster_cpu_UsagePerSecOracle Cluster CPU Usage Per SecUsage1.0.0Represents the CPU usage per second by the database processes, measured in hundredths of a second.
oracle_cluster_cpu_UsagePerTxnOracle Cluster CPU Usage Per TransactionUsage1.0.0The amount of CPU usage per transaction for the specific task or session.
oracle_cluster_database_cpu_time_RatioOracle Cluster Database CPU Time RatioUsage1.0.0The Database CPU Time Ratio is of limited value as a tuning tool.The Database CPU Time Ratio is computed by dividing the amount of CPU used in the database by the amount of total database time. Total database time is the time spent by the database on user-level calls .
oracle_cluster_blocking_SessionCountOracle Cluster Blocking Session CountUsagecount1.0.0To monitor the count of blocking sessions
oracle_cluster_session_limit_UsageOracle Cluster Session Limit UsageUsage%1.0.0To monitor the session limit usage
oracle_cluster_inactive_SessionsOracle Cluster Inactive SessionsAvailabilitycount1.0.0To monitors the inactive sessions.
oracle_cluster_active_SessionsOracle Cluster Active SessionsAvailabilitycount1.0.0To monitors the active sessions
oracle_cluster_system_waits_PerClassOracle Cluster System Waits PerClassPerformances1.0.0To monitor oracle system class waits (The system-level waits represent a high level summary of all session-level waits).This metric evaluated using this formula avg of waits = sum(time_waited)/sum(total_waits)
oracle_cluster_long_running_QueriesOracle Cluster Long Running QueriesPerformancecount1.0.0Validates the how many long running queries on particular database.
oracle_cluster_bufferCacheHitRatio_PctOracle Cluster BufferCacheHitRatio PercentageUsage%1.0.0To monitoring Buffer cache hit ratio value in Percentage
oracle_cluster_sequence_UtilizationOracle Cluster Sequence UtilizationUsage%1.0.0To monitoring db sessions usage in Pct
oracle_cluster_temp_tableSpace_UtilizationOracle Cluster Temp Tablespace UtilizationUsage%1.0.0To monitor Temp tableSpace space usage in Pct
oracle_cluster_database_cdb_pdb_tableSpace_UtilizationOracle Cluster Database CDB PDB Tablespace UtilizationUsage%1.0.0To monitor the tableSpace utilization of the Oracle CDB & PDB.
oracle_cluster_database_cdb_pdb_tableSpace_SizeUsedOracle Cluster Database CDB and PDB Tablespace Size UsedUsageMB1.0.0To monitor the tableSpace used size of the Oracle CDB and PDB
oracle_cluster_database_cdb_pdb_tableSpace_SizeFreeOracle Cluster Database CDB and PDB Tablespace Size FreeCapacityMB1.0.0To monitor the tableSpace free size of the Oracle CDB and PDB
oracle_cluster_process_UtilizationOracle Cluster Processes Used pctUsage%1.0.0The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread(This doesn't includes CPU steal time)
oracle_cluster_dataguard_StatusOracle Cluster Dataguard StatusAvailability1.0.0To indicates the status of the Oracle Data Guard. Possible values are ALL(0) - Indicates all users other than SYS are prevented from making changes to any data in the database,STANDBY(1) - Indicates all users other than SYS are prevented from making changes to any database object being maintained by logical standby,NONE(2) - Indicates normal security for all data in the database.
oracle_cluster_dataguard_BrokerStatusOracle Cluster Dataguard Broker StatusAvailability1.0.0To indicates the status of the Oracle Data Guard Broker. Possible value areENABLED(0) - Database is part of a broker configuration and broker management of the database is enabled,DISABLED(1) - Database is part of a broker configuration and broker management of the database is disabled. This value is displayed if the user disabled broker management of the database or configuration, or if broker management was disabled due to a role change (for example, the old primary was disabled after a failover operation).
oracle_cluster_dataguard_fs_FailoverModeOracle Cluster Dataguard Fast-Start Failover ModeAvailability1.0.0To indicates the status of the current fast-start failover mode. Possible values are: DISABLED(0) - Fast-start failover is disabled.OBSERVE-ONLY(1) - Fast-start failover is enabled in test drive mode.ZERO DATA LOSS(2) - Fast-start failover is enabled and a fast-start failover cannot incur any data loss.POTENTIAL DATA LOSS(3) - Fast-start failover is enabled and a fast-start failover can incur data loss within FastStartFailoverLagLimit seconds.
Metric NameDisplay NameMetric CategoryUnitApplication VersionDescription
oracle_node_UptimeOracle Node UptimeAvailabilitym1.0.0Time lapsed since last reboot in minutes
oracle_node_cpu_LoadOracle Node CPU LoadUsage1.0.0Monitors the system's last 1min, 5min and 15min load. It sends per cpu core load average.
oracle_node_cpu_UtilizationOracle Node CPU UtilizationUsage%1.0.0The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread(This doesn't includes CPU steal time)
oracle_node_memory_UsedSpaceOracle Node Memory Used SpaceUsageGB1.0.0Physical and virtual memory usage in GB
oracle_node_memory_UtilizationOracle Node Memory UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Physical and virtual memory usage in GB
oracle_node_disk_usage_UsedSpaceOracle Node Disk Usage UsedSpaceUsageGB1.0.0Monitors disk used space in GB
oracle_node_disk_usage_UtilizationOracle Node Disk UtilizationUsage%1.0.0To monitor node disk utilization
oracle_node_disk_inode_UtilizationOracle Node Disk Inode UtilizationUsage%1.0.0This monitor is to collect DISK Inode metrics for all physical disks in a server.
Metric NameDisplay NameMetric CategoryUnitApplication VersionDescription
oracle_dbInstance_StatusOracle DB Instance StatusAvailability1.0.0Status of the Oracle Cluster Database Instance.Possible values are STARTED(0),MOUNTED(1),OPEN(2),OPEN MIGRATE(3)
oracle_dbInstance_UptimeOracle DB Instance UptimeAvailabilityDays1.0.0Uptime (In Days) of the Oracle Cluster Database Instance
Metric NameDisplay NameMetric CategoryUnitApplication VersionDescription
oracle_diskGroup_StateOracle ASM DiskGroup StateAvailability1.0.0To monitor the states of the each ASM disk group.Possible values are CONNECTED(0),BROKEN(1),DISMOUNTED(2),MOUNTED(3),QUIESCING(4),RESTRICTED(5),UNKNOWN(6)
oracle_diskGroup_UsableFileMBOracle ASM Disk Group Usable File Size In MBUsageMB1.0.0To monitor the amount of free space that can be safely utilized.
oracle_diskGroup_RequiredMirrorFreeMBOracle ASM Disk Group Required Mirror Free Size In MBUsageMB1.0.0To monitor the amount of space that is required to be available in a given disk group in order to restore redundancy after one or more disk failures
oracle_diskGroup_UtilizationOracle ASM DiskGroup Space UtilizationUsage%1.0.0To monitor ASM DiskGroup Space Utilization
Metric NameDisplay NameMetric CategoryUnitApplication VersionDescription
oracle_disk_ModeStatusOracle ASM Disk Mode StatusAvailability1.0.0To monitor ASM DATA diskgroup status..Possible values are ONLINE(0),OFFLINE(1),SYNCING(2)
oracle_disk_StateOracle ASM Disk StateAvailability1.0.0To monitor the state of the each ASM disk.Possible values are NORMAL(0),ADDING(1),DROPPING(2),HUNG(3),FORCING(4),UNKNOWN(5)
oracle_disk_UtilizationOracle ASM Disk UtilizationPerformance%1.0.0To monitor the utilization of the each ASM Disk
oracle_disk_ReadsOracle ASM Disk ReadsUsagecount1.0.0To monitor the Total number of I/O read requests for the disk
oracle_disk_WritesOracle ASM Disk WritesUsagecount1.0.0To monitor the Total number of I/O write requests for the disk
oracle_disk_ReadErrorsOracle ASM Disk Read ErrorsUsagecount1.0.0To monitor the Total number of failed I/O read requests for the disk
oracle_disk_WriteErrorsOracle ASM Disk Write ErrorsUsagecount1.0.0To monitor the Total number of failed I/O write requests for the disk
oracle_disk_ReadTimeOracle ASM Disk Read TimeUsages1.0.0To monitor the Total I/O time (in seconds) for read requests for the disk if the TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter is set to true (0 if set to false)
oracle_disk_WriteTimeOracle ASM Disk Write TimeUsages1.0.0To monitor the Total I/O time (in seconds) for write requests for the disk if the TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter is set to true (0 if set to false)

Default Monitoring Configuration

Oracle RAC Multi Node Cluster application has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:

    {appName nativeType - version - Mode}

    Ex: oracle-cluster Oracle RAC - 2 - RAC (i.e, appName = oracle-cluster, nativeType = Oracle RAC, version = 2, Mode = RAC)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:

    {appName Mode nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: oracle-cluster Standalone Oracle Node Template - 2 (i.e, appName = oracle-cluster, Mode = Standalone, nativeType = Oracle Node, version = 2)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType version}

    Ex: Oracle Node Monitor oracle-cluster Oracle Node 2 (i.e, monitorKey = Oracle Node Monitor, appName = oracle-cluster, nativeType = Oracle Node, version = 2)